Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Brand Spanking New!

Several years ago, an Introduction to BDSM session presented the keys to a successful BDSM session or relationship:
  1. Communicate!
  2. Communicate!
  3. Communicate!
How do you improve communication skills? Why, Toastmasters, of course!

The Toastmasters Educational Program teaches communication and leadership skills, so how might those leadership skills apply to the BDSM community?

Every local community is different, influenced by different personalities and politics, but certain skills are valued in all communities such as mentoring and educating.

How do you improve mentoring and educating skills? Why, Toastmasters, of course!

My wife and I often discussed this natural confluence of Toastmasters skills and BDSM skills. We were aware of the Freely Speaking Toastmasters club for Seattle's LGBT community and the Dallas Singles Toastmasters club. How awesome it would be if we could form a BDSM-oriented Toastmasters club! We prepared a sample Toastmasters meeting to see what interest might be. 21 people were ready to sign up as members on the spot!

Thus was born a brand spanking new club: Safe Words!